Until now, swimming pools were energy-intensive, very expensive and not really ecological. But today it is possible to reconcile ecology and savings!
The ecological transition applied to swimming pools can even bring in money and allow other buildings to be decarbonized!
Thanks to our new approach, thanks to the Tournesol Energy and Water systems, your swimming pools become positive energy equipment! They produce more energy than they consume.
They become green energy production centers, the surplus of which can be sold or shared with other buildings to contribute to the decarbonization of cities and regions.
Thanks to its integrated systems and equipment, the swimming pool produces its own energy, green energy, of renewable origin!
Global approach, very efficient passive building equipped with means of energy production.
Installation, as massive as possible, of photovoltaic systems to produce electricity and heat.
Intelligent management of energy and water thanks to a “brain” that uses data, a Black Box!
Storage of self-produced green energy by hydrogen (H²), for availability and use all year round.
Recovery of waste heat to heat water and air.
Heating and cooling using heat pumps and geothermal probes.